Sue has decided to work full time again to fill the coffers. Her first assignment was covering for a maternity leave in Miami for September and October. We stayed at the same county park campground that we had 2 years ago when we met Ziggy the pig (Larry and Penny Thompson Park). The first week we walked all over the park looking for Ziggy’s rv but he was not there. After some research, Jeff found Ziggy’s Facebook page! His family has moved to North Carolina, started a rescue farm and promotes a vegan lifestyle. They previously toured the country in their motor home with Ziggy the Piggy and got lots of footage of him frolicking in many locations! Here’s the link:
All posts by Susan Friedrichs
New Hampshire

Our New Hampshire visit was a much different experience than Newport, mainly due to BUGS! There were virtually no bugs in the Newport campground so we could spend unlimited time outside unmolested. Not so in the woods of NH. Continue reading New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Newport Rhode Island is a fantastic place to vacation. There are many ocean beaches to choose from (though parking is a bit expensive), a fun downtown and plenty of free ocean views.
The “campground” we are staying in (Paradise Park RV Camping) is quite different from the norm.
As we were driving out of the neighborhood, we turned on the radio and the song “Its the End of the World as We Know It” was playing!! And the next song was “Brand New Day”!! How is that for the universe sending us a message – “and I feel fine”!
It’s hard to believe we made it to the departure day! It was a whirlwind of activity since February.
February 2014
After giving away an entire truck’s worth of furniture and household junk to the Salvation Army, we had a realtor come and give us advice Continue reading February 2014
The First Trip
July – October 2013
Relatively shortly after Monty was safely ensconced in his new home (our driveway), we decided to take him for a test run in Delaware. Continue reading The First Trip
Monty Begins
Somewhere in 2012 the notion of touring the country in an rv got into my head. It might have been a book I read or something I saw online. I slowly started putting this thought in Jeff’s head, knowing he would think it was just another crazy idea I’d get over. Continue reading Monty Begins